Our goal is the concern with the environment reflected in the recovery, recycling and marketing of plastic materials.
To be part of the global market and to make a contribution to the circular economy and a more sustainable future.
Honesty, Ethics, Responsibility and Accuracy.
GLOBEPEDESTAL, LDA has defined its Quality Policy and Corporate Responsibility, which embody the following commitments:
- To consolidate the organization as a reference entity in the sustainable management area and recovery of plastic waste, promoting the circular economy;
- To fully meet compliance obligations according to the existing legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the business activity;
- To ensure costumer satisfaction by providing recycled plastic materials, which entirely fill the need and requirements of our costumers;
- To promote continual improvement by assessing the performance of the integrated Management System, setting and reviewing the established objectives;
- To provide the necessary means to achieve both strategic and operational objectives set in the framework of the Management System, namely, through continuous training and professional development of all employees, as well as the ongoing investment in recycling technologies.
These are the strategic guidelines of GLOBIPEDESTAL which allow a sustainable growth of the company and empower it to be a reference entity in plastic recycling by means of responsible business and environmental practices.
GLOBIPEDESTAL’s management is commited to the disclosure of its policy of quality and corporate responsibility to all employees, costumers, suppliers and other interested parties, as well as to the concern for the ongoing suitability of this policy to the reality of the company.
Avidos, March 2019
The management of GLOBIPEDESTAL, LDA